Learn about kincentric ecology
These are just a few of our current favourite books and resources. If you have a favourite you think we should feature - we'd love to hear about it!

Robin Wall Kimmerer is a scientist, decorated professor, member of the Citizen Potawatomi Nation and author of this classic in kincentric ecology.
A podcast series featuring many thought- leaders in the field, including both indigenous leaders and scientists.

In Ways of Being, writer and artist James Bridle considers the fascinating multiple ways of existing on earth. What can we learn from these other forms of intelligence and personhood, and how can we change our societies to live more equitably with one another and the non-human world?

A fascinating look at how fungi make our worlds, change our minds and shape our futures
“Iwígara is the idea that all life, spiritual and physical, is interconnected. All life shares the same breath. We are all related.”

Explore the intimate world of the trees and forests - social, cooperative creatures connected through underground networks by which they communicate vitality and vulnerabilities. Beings with communal lives not that different from our own.
A professional animal communicator, Anna Breytenbach acts as an intermediary between people and animals. She works in South Africa alongside wildlife conservation projects and also educates to advance the relationships between humans and other species.

Wilderness guide Sicelo Mbatha shares lessons learnt from a lifetime's intimate association with Africa's wildest nature.
The natural world teems with remarkable conversations, many beyond human hearing range. Karen Bakker writes eloqently and with a sense of hope and wonder and how scientists are using groundbreaking digital technologies to uncover these astonishing sounds, revealing vibrant communication among our fellow creatures across the Tree of Life.

The Earth teems with sights and textures, sounds and vibrations, smells and tastes, electric and magnetic fields. But every kind of animal, including humans, is enclosed within its own unique sensory bubble, perceiving a tiny sliver of our world.
In An Immense World, Ed Yong coaxes us beyond the confines of our senses, opening up new worlds of perception and understanding of the intelligence, agency and intentionality our more than human kin
Shares stories that explore the timeless connections between ecology, culture, and spirituality, including many stories about kincentric ecology.

Most of the tests on octopus intelligence actually demonstrate a lack of intelligence in the researcher
- Mark Nolan, marine biologist