Co-creation with the More than Human World
What if all beings are enabled to contribute their insights to how we design for our collective future and make decisions in the present?
Monthly online sandbox....coming soon
There is a surge in interest around how we engage with, represent or involve the more-than-human world in human decision making.
With this surge of interest comes an expanding community of practitioners, some of whom are new to the topic, while others have been engaging with this theme for many years.
An increasing number of people have expressed a desire to connect, collaborate and learn from each other - and the growing application of different approaches allows for an expanding pool of inspiration that we can draw from.
Kincentric Leadership in association with Renilde Becqué of The Repatterning Collective will be kick-starting a monthly learning series this spring. The series will be a 'sandbox' - a place for experiential learning - where participants can explore and experiment with concepts or ideas, and cross-fertilise.
The current disruptive and liminal times are asking for innovative, creative and novel approaches that tap into the full range of knowledges and intelligences available on our planet. We’re asking the question – what if all beings are enabled to contribute their insights to how we design for our collective future and make decisions in the present?
If you have themes you are keen to explore with us in this community, or would like to suggest cutting edge speakers, or put yourself forward, get in touch!
Series host

​Renilde Becqué collaborates with international NGOs, funders and beyond in the field of sustainability, regeneration, and deep transition. She does this with a clear view towards tackling root causes and creating the enabling conditions for paradigm shift. She’s involved in the landscape component of a regenerative food systems transformation effort initiated by funders, in which she advocates for taking a living systems thinking approach and the importance of shifting mental models, as well as helps bring in the voice of indigenous peoples. She’s also a member of the FEST (Financing Ecosystems for Systemic Transformation) working group, and has been involved since 2022 in the development of Indigenous Commons. She sat on the R3.0 working group on Funding Governance for Systemic Transformation, helped run the first cohort of Capital Institute’s introductory course to Regenerative Economics, and has been working with and for funders on new economic thinking and economic transformation, regenerative mindsets, and Three Horizons. She’s a co-founder on The Repatterning Collective, which is building a pipeline of exploratory and applied learning on repatterning, guided by two “what if” questions. E.g. “what if our approach to the (poly)crisis is part of the crisis?” and “what if we can actively repattern and rewire in the direction of radically different (imagined) regenerative futures?” As a life-long lover of nature, she’s been further developing her own ability to engage with the more-than-human in recent years. In July 2024, she hosted the first session on co-creation with the more-than-human at a convening organised by the Wellbeing Economy Alliance, that applied alternative lenses on global economic reform efforts. This led her to propose a sandbox and learning series on co-creation with the more-than-human for a broader audience of both practitioners and those with a keen interest to apply this in some form in their work.
You You

"The most creative and profound solutions to the most serious, knotty, systemic problems that we face can only be addressed through the application of radical cognitive diversity: the entrainment of the widest possible range of embodied viewpoints and experiences that we can muster. We must also recognize that cognitive diversity extends beyond the human, that it inheres in the intelligence of non-human animals, the organization and agency of forests, fields and fungi, the vibrant efflorescence of slime moulds, gut bacteria, and even viruses. To exclude such entanglements from our political decision-making and problem-solving processes is not merely to maintain our practice of extractivist violence and speciesist totalitarianism towards other forms of life, with devastating consequences for our own survival. It is to wilfully ignore the wildly creative,
evolutionary lessons of randomness itself. " (James Bridle)